Flowers to Plant in June

Look forward to delightful displays in your garden when you shop Fothergill’s range of flowers to plant in June. We all love the sunlight, and flower plants do too! So make the most of the summer weather and pick out some stunning blooms to fill your garden with.

Grow your very own cut flower garden, and look forward to filling your indoor and outdoor spaces with gorgeous colours. Take a look at Fothergill’s gorgeous range today and start planning out your arrangements. Our easy-to-grow flowers are the perfect way to inject a pop of life into your garden and create a hotspot for butterflies and bees!


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Steve L.

Quality of plants and seeds

I found seeds that were not apparently easy to find elsewhere at a very reasonable price. The delivery time and service was first class.

Sarah R.

Love the choice of seeds

There are many varieties of lettuce (I’m having a go at growing my own) so I was spoilt for choice - many I’d not seen on other sites.

Teresa T.

30 plug plants in really good condition

Just received my first ever order from here. 30 plug plants in really good condition, healthy and in bud. Very happy and will order from here again.