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Here's what our community have to say...
Linda Hardy
DP332 Compound Action Pruner
I am a professional woman gardener. I have used lots of different types of secateurs and these are the best I have used in my twenty years. I have to pairs which I have used daily. The spring has stayed intact...I have been using them now for about five years, every pair I have used before has lost the spring and I have had to discard them. Perfect for small hands! Perfect for elderly hands!!!
Brian M.
DP941 Compact Compound Anvil Lopper
This lopper is simply a “must have” for any gardener with shrubs and trees to prune. The ingenious design allows tough stems and branches to be cut with far less effort than the “standard” design of lopper.
Keith Harrison
DP556 Grab'n'Lift
We have been using the Darlac Grab'n'Lift for a few years now and find it to be a brilliant piece of kit. when cutting hedges, roses etc. All the clean up work is made much easier, and of course, there's no bending down involved, keep your body upright and lift the prunings without having to bend your back to pick them up. (useful for holly, roses ..etc) where thorns are an issue. We wouldn't be without our Grab'n' Lift'
DP744 Super Classic Ratchet
I bought my super classic ratchet simply because my old secateurs had been ccidentally thrown away with garden rubbish. On using them for the first time I was amazed how brilliant they are!!! I wish I had bought them years ago because I now realise how poor my old secateurs were, and how much extra work they gave me. My Darlac super ratchet makes gardening a dream.
Kim Sneddon
DP2543 Cape Cod Weeder
I absolutely love this weeder. I’ve never seen anything like this before but it works brilliantly, especially for particularly tenacious weeds.
Find the right tool for your gardening project...

Secateurs Collection
Extensive range with somethingfor everyone - bypass, anvil,ratchet, compound action,left-handed, lightweight, loop and rotating handles
Loppers Collection
Choose from lightweight, bypass, anvil, heavy duty, ratchet to multiply the strength or double compound action with incredibly effective mechanism to cut in one smooth action
Pruning Saws Collection
Superb folding and pocket saws which are favourites with gardeners and campers and pole saws ideal for reaching hard-to access areas
Swop Top System
One handle creates many useful tools!
Swop Top attachments can be switched easily and will take care of the finest twigs right up to a 20cm branch, while the cleaning attachments can assist with anything from simple window cleaning to gutter and conservatory fascia clearing