Peas & Beans
Peas and beans are staples of any British kitchen – and the perfect addition to your vegetable garden. At Mr. Fothergill's, we offer a fantastic selection of peas and beans seeds to cater to every gardener’s needs. Whether you have a large allotment or a humble container garden, our tried-and-tested seeds guarantee reliable crops throughout the season.
Peas and beans are not only nutritious and tasty: but they’re also fantastically easy to grow. Fast-maturing cultivars, such as our popular Kelvedon Wonder peas, are perfect for successional sowing. We also offer an excellent selection of beans, from classic British runner bean seeds to colourful and gourmet French bean seeds. Explore our full collection of peas and beans seeds below.
41 products

Grow Your Own Peas and Beans
Growing your own peas and beans from seed has many rewarding benefits. They're nutritious, delicious, and cost-effective – plus, there’s nothing quite like picking fresh peas and beans straight from the garden. From hearty broad bean seeds to sweet petits pois and crunchy mange tout, home-grown peas and beans always taste so much better than supermarket varieties.
If you prefer a low-maintenance crop, peas and beans seeds are a brilliant choice. They're easy to grow and don't need much maintenance, making them perfect for both new and seasoned gardeners. Climbing beans and peas grow vertically on trellises, needing only a small area of ground to produce abundant crops. We also carry several bush varieties, such as dwarf bean seeds. Their compact growth habit makes them perfect for pots and containers, even if all you have is a small balcony.
Order Your Peas & Beans Seeds Today
Here at Mr Fothergill's, we believe that growing your own vegetables should be simple, fun, and rewarding for everyone. All of our vegetable seeds are carefully selected for top-quality crops and high germination rates – 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Explore our fantastic range of peas & beans seeds today and start your own seed-to-table adventure. Order now for fast UK delivery from just £2.45.